Wilderness Research and Consultancy


We cover a wide array of services, from field work to GIS and wildlife photography / videography! 

Wildlife photography and veideography

Wildlife monitoring, including best practice standards from BERD or The World Bank

Bioacoustic monitoring of bats and dolphins, including MMO services (Marine Mammal Observer)

Protected area management

GIS analysis – connectivity studies, species distribution modelling, 3D interpretations, remote sensing, micro and macro mapping

Environmental reports, including Natura 2000 monitoring methods

About us

We are a small team of ecologists with more than 10 years of experience regarding wildlife monitoring

WRC has one simple purpose: offer professional solutions for companies or other consultants, on wildlife field monitoring and GIS analysis, especially bats!

Why bats? These animals are hard to monitor and not enough work is being done in order to protect them, especially for projects which can pose a threat to wild populations. Therefore we work with the best methods and equipment available at this time in order to assess the potential impact on these populations and come up with real solutions for mitigation and project development.

We strongly believe that a solid EPA study based on years of research which is implemented as the experts recommend, will help preserve wildlife for future generations!

Wind park bat monioring projects
Monitored Wind Turbines
Transects per month
0 Km

Ongoing projects

Multiple proposed wind parks in the Tulcea, Constanţa, Brăila, Vaslui and Caraş-Severin counties, Romania and a post construction monitoring in a wind park in Tulcea county

Solar parks in the Sibiu county, Romania

Offshore projects in the Black Sea - Oil and Gas plus future proposed wind parks

We want to help you get the best out of your wildlife monitoring programs!

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