We specialize in the study of wild animals, with a key interest in bats and terrestrial mammals.
We are a small team of ecologists with more than 12 years of experience regarding
wildlife monitoring.
WRC has one simple purpose: to offer professional solutions for companies or
other consultants, on wildlife field monitoring and GIS analysis.
We started with bats because these animals are hard to monitor and not enough
work is being done to protect them, especially for projects which can pose a threat
to wild populations. Therefore, we work with the best methods and equipment
available at this time to assess the potential impact on these populations and come
up with real solutions for mitigation and project development.
We strongly believe that a solid EPA study based on years of research which is
implemented as the experts recommend, will help preserve wildlife for future
Our company is young and out team is gradually growing, as we work on projectbased collaborations, and we are proud to have alongside us one of the best
researchers and consultants in our line of work for each large biodiversity group
of interest
Is an ecologist with a focus on environmental studies and GIS modelling. His aim over the last 12 years was the study of bats at wind parks, initially working at EPC Consultanţă de Mediu SRL, in Bucharest, with most of the projects concentrated in Dobrogea. His PhD at the Institute of Speleology of the Romanian Academy was based on the impact of wind parks on bats in Dobrogea and mitigation measures for such cases. He runs the Wilderness Research and Conservation Association in Bucharest, composed of a team of researchers (biologists, geographers, ecologists, veterinarians), which help solve wild animal-human conflicts. He is a founding member of the Visul Luanei Foundation, building the Wildlife
Rehabilitation Centre in Bucharest, where people can bring in wounded wild animals, which are in dire need of medical care. During his career, he has worked as an independent researcher and consultant in multiple large infrastructure projects, such as marine mammal observer on oilrigs for Black Sea Oil and Gas, Exxon Mobile and Lukoil, making sure that the operations did not affect the dolphins and bats. He has multiple publications in the field, including one of the most important studies for bats in relation to wind parks in Eastern Europe (Mantoiu et al 2020). He was a co-author for the book: Bat Fauna of Romania, Romanian Academy, for which he and his team received the “Emil Racoviţă” scientific distinction of the Romanian Academy.
He is a member of the EUROBATS working group on wind parks and bats, and he currently coordinates the group in charge of spatial modelling. During 2021 he created Wilderness Research and Consultancy and is now living the dream of putting all this research to the task at hand!
Is a biologist with a thesis in biodiversity studies and bird dynamics. He is leading different research teams, working on population variations and migration of birds in relation to human induced effects. His educational path focused on the study and knowledge of nature, culminating in a PhD thesis in which he studied the migration of diurnal raptors in south-eastern Romania (Dobrogea), but also the anthropic impact to which this group of birds is subjected to. In parallel with the PhD internship, his focus over the years was the study of birds at wind parks, assessing the impact of wind power plants as well as electricity transmission networks on wildlife (Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment studies in the areas of Săcele, Istria, Baia, Cogealac, Constanța and Tulcea Counties). The company portfolio includes beneficiaries like Enel Green Power,
Eolica Dobrogea, Nero Renewables, Steag Energy and many more (third party consultancy with other companies). He carried out studies on bird abundances and he evaluated the anthropic impact on this faunal group, via transects along the aerial power lines to observe any accidental fatalities. Two of the most important papers that he published are focused on raptor migration over the Black Sea (Stanciu et al. 2017 – Aspects regarding raptors migration over the Black Sea), and about the migration strategies of Common buzzard, one of the most common raptor species migrating along the Black Sea shore (Stanciu et al. 2017 – Migration strategies of Common buzzard – Buteo buteo). In addition, he also studies land
mammals, with a strong background of more than ten years in this field. Top interest are Romanian Hamster and European Ground Squirrel studies, but also small mammals and mustelids. He is part of the core team of WRC, leading all bird related field activities.
Alina Georgiana Cîșlariu is a Lecturer Ph.D. at the Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest (Romania), with a background in plant diversity and conservation (Bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and master’s degree in conservation biology). Her doctoral studies (conducted between 2015-2019) focused on research on the biology of Ligularia sibirica populations from Romania, a glacial relict plant species in Europe, covering aspects such as updating the distribution of the species, identifying its habitat requirements, assessing the species’ reproductive potential etc.). The results of her doctoral research have been published in ISI Journals, but also presented within various scientific events. Simultaneously with the doctoral studies, she was a member of the Research team of an EU-funded project that aimed the elaboration of management plans for four Natura 2000 sites. Alina Cîșlariu worked as a botanist within the Project and her main attributions were to monitor the flora and habitats, as well as to identify and evaluate the anthropogenic impact on plants and habitats of community interest. Currently, her research interests continue to concentrate on plant diversity and conservation, focusing on invasive alien plants studies, being also a member of the Research team of another EU-funded project that aims to update the distribution of invasive
species at the national level (Romania) and to develop adequate management plans for them. Between 2019 – 2021, Alina Cîșlariu also worked as a Biologist for S.C. EPC Consultanță de Mediu S.R.L. being involved in several environmental Projects (including wind energy and infrastructure projects) where her main attributions were those related to studies on flora and vegetation (inventory, identification, distribution, establishing management measures for habitat conservation etc.). She is part of the core team of WRC, leading all botany related activities in the field.
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